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BAI Alternative Investor Conference (AIC)

22.04.24 - 24.04.24

With the BAI Alternative Investor Conference (AIC), the BAI, as an association and representative of the alternative investment industry in Germany, would like to offer the participants a platform for the professional exchange of ideas and furthermore contribute significantly to the fact that the topic of alternative investments is received with a better understanding by the public. The BAI AIC is primarily aimed at institutional investors, but it also offers product providers and service providers an ideal opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss the latest findings and trends in the AI industry.

Alternative investments are playing an increasingly important role in the portfolios of institutional investors due to their positive characteristics in terms of risk mitigation and the opportunity for higher returns. Interest has also been growing steadily for years among investors from Germany, with the result that many institutional investors are now also increasingly investing in alternative investments.

More information here.




Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)
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