Pirate Summit

The Odonien Hornstr. 85, Köln, Deutschland

"PIRATE Summit ist keine "normale" Konferenz - es ist ein Event, das du so zuvor noch nie erlebt hast. Drei Tage voller Networking und Konferenzprogramm auf dem Kölner Kunst-Schrottplatz Odonien bieten Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit Kollegen und Gleichgesinnte kennen zu lernen und mit Investoren und Corporates ins Gespräch zu kommen. Sei dabei, vom 3. bis 5. […]

PIRATE Live – A week full of content

Odonien Hornstraße 85, Köln, Deutschland

A week dedicated to startup enthusiasts ARRRound the globe. Startup Safari Rhineland is taking place in the scope of PIRATE Live, an all-remote event platform, uniting the regional and global startup ecosystem to connect, learn, get inspired and interact. Followed by high-level keynotes and masterclasses, as well as discussion tables to ask away and contribute yourself, […]


Pirate Summit 2023


PIRATE Summit is the yearly gathering of entrepreneurs that love to solve real problems and build durable businesses. It is a conference for those that understand that they are the captain of their life. After all, life is a possibility, and it is what you make of it. As such, PIRATE Summit is about the […]