Bildnachweis: © IPEM.
Die IPEM – International Private Equity Market -, die jährlich im französischen Cannes stattfindet, hat coronabedingt den Sommer für ihr Event ausgewählt. Statt wie üblich im Januar, findet die Messe mit Konferenzprogramm in diesem Jahr vom 6. bis 8. Juli 2021 statt. Heute feiert die IPEM aber eine andere Premiere: Der IPEM-Film Rebooted wird in exklusivem Rahmen vorgestellt. „Rebooted“ beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen der Coronapandemie und fragt in der Branche nach, welche Herausforderungen die Krise mit sich gebracht hat. Den Trailer dazu gibt es hier zu sehen. Wer den ganzen Film anschauen möchte, kann sich hier registrieren.
Antoine Colson, CEO und Managing Partner IPEM, berichtet im Interview vom Film und den Plänen der IPEM für den Sommer.
VentureCapital Magazin: Today, your documentary on the private equity industry will be published exclusively. Can you give first insights into what it will be about in terms of content?
Colson: This documentary tells the story of what Private Equity went through in the last twelve months – from the shock of the outbreak and lockdowns until today. This year was a dramatic and unique one for each of us, and Private Equity was in the frontstage of these health and economic crisis as they unfolded. Our interviews give a real taste of the situation PE faced, and how it navigated this black swan event. The eleven Private Equity “titans” featured in the film also share their views about the future of the asset class, the challenges, and opportunities that they expect after covid-19. There is a deep sense that Private Equity has become an industry on its own, managing now around 5 trillion USD globally and employing more than 10m people in Europe alone. Interviewees want to play their part in “rebooting” our economy; this is a new paradigm for Private Equity I believe.
VentureCapital Magazin: The industry has gained some momentum in fundraising during the Corona period. What has been the experience of your interviewees over the past year? Has there been a trend?
Colson: Private equity has been particularly resilient in this crisis – and was much more prepared than for the GFC back in 2008. However, as one interviewee says in the movie: if you look at the figures it was a great year, but if you deep dive it has been a very difficult year. I think this is a feeling shared by many in the industry. As for the fundraising prospects, they are very positive for Private Equity. Look at the record funds closed this year by Nordic, Hg, Ardian, Waterland, Silver Lake, KKR… I see two reasons for this momentum. The first is that because of the coronavirus crisis, interest rates are expected to remain extremely low in the foreseeable future and PE returns should remain very attractive for investors. A second reason, which is discussed in the movie, is that PE is better positioned than any other asset class to fuel the recovery and to address the challenges this crisis leaves us with. I believe that large institutional investors and regulators will also see PE as the most effective “transmission belt” to channel capital to businesses and solutions that tackle climate change or the rising needs of our healthcare and education systems for example. This is not new, but this trend has accelerated with the crisis.
VentureCapital Magazin: What impressed you the most during the filming? Was there a story that is still remembered today?
Colson: We kicked off this project just a few days before Christmas. And when we were ready to start travelling in Europe to conduct our interviews, lockdowns and travel restrictions were reinforced again in January. We had to find local crews to film in Austria, Netherlands, UK… in a few days! That was a challenging (and exciting) situation. The producer Olivier de Bannes, who happens to be a former investment banker, was amazing and handled it with much “brio”!
VentureCapitalMagazin: IPEM traditionally takes place in the beginning of the year, but has now been postponed to the summer due to Corona. What are your plans for the IPEM? Will there be an outdoor fair on the beach or will you rely on your previous concept? Will there be a hybrid event?
Colson: We really wanted to share an exciting moment with our “IPEM friends” as we call them – because we could not run IPEM this year in February. Therefore we imagined this film and a private “Avant-première” event on March 3rd. I know it cannot be compared with a physical event, but I think that this documentary really gives a sense of community to European Private Equity, and this is what IPEM is all about. As for IPEM 2021, we are currently evaluating the situation and weighing different scenarios to organize a great physical event in the summer 2021. Stay tuned!